


发布时间:2024-03-20   浏览次数:0






l  代表性论文:

1.      Shenna Chen#, Yunping Hao#, Sha Liu, YanxuLiu, Ziyan Zhang, Mei Fang, Lina Geng*. Boron and nitrogen co-doped carbon dotsas the dual functional fluorescent probe for Fe3+ and pH detection. J.Saudi Chem. Soc., 2024, 28, 101775.

2.      Shenna Chen, Lin Wang, Yue Hu, Sha Lia, Lina Geng*,Yayong Li*. High drug capacity of nano-Levodopa-liposomes: preparation, in vitrorelease and brain-targeted research. Appl. Biochem. Biotech., 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-023-04673-w.

3.      Yunping Hao, Ronghui Li, Yanxu Liu, Xunhong Zhang, Lina Geng*, Shenna Chen*. The on–off-onFluorescence sensor of hollow carbon dots for detecting Hg2+ and ascorbicacid. J. Fluoresc., 2023, 33(2), 459-469.

4.      Shenna Chen#, Yunping Hao#, Ronghui Li, YanxuLiu, Jinxia Li, Lina Geng*. N-doped carbon dots as the multifunctionalfluorescent probe for mercury ion, glutathione and pH detection. Nanotechnology,2023, 34, 125501.

5.      Yin Yang#, Shenna Chen#, Feng Yang, Xiayan Li,Akiva Feintuch, Xuncheng Su*, Daniella Goldfarb*. In-cell destabilization of ahomodimeric protein complex detected by DEER spectroscopy. P. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA, 2020, 117: 20566-20575.

6.      Shenna Chen, Tian Fang, Jingyang Kong, Binbin Pan,Xuncheng Su*. Third BIR domain of XIAP binds to both Cu(II) and Cu(I) inmultiple sites and with diverse affinities characterized at atomic resolution. Sci.Rep., 2019, 9: 7428.

7.       ShennaChen, Haowen Huang*, Lingyang Zhang, Yun Chen, XuanyongLiu*. Alternate release of different target species based on the same goldnanorods and monitored by cell imaging. Colloids Surf. B, 2016,145: 671-678.

8.       ShennaChen, Qian Zhao, Lingyang Zhang, Linqian Wang, YunlongZeng, Haowen Huang*. Combined detection of breast cancer biomarkers based onplasmonic sensor of gold nanorod. Sens. Actuators B, 2015,221: 1391-1397.

9.       ShennaChen, Qian Zhao, Lingyang Zhang, Xiaodong Xia, HaowenHuang*. Successive detection of glucose and bio-copper in human serum based ona multiplex biosensor of gold nanorods. Anal. Methods, 2015,7: 1018-1025.

10.   ShennaChen, Qian Zhao, Fang Liu, Haowen Huang*, Linqian Wang,Shoujun Yi Yunlong Zeng, Yi Chen*. Ultrasensitive determination of copper incomplex biological media based on modulation of plasmonic properties of goldnanorods. Anal. Chem., 2013,85(19): 9142-9147.

11.   HaowenHuang*, Shenna Chen,Fang Liu, Qian Zhao, Bo Liao, Shoujun Yi, Yunlong Zeng. Multiplexplasmonic sensor for detection of different metal ions based on a single typeof gold nanorod.Anal. Chem.,2013, 85(4): 2312-2319.

l  已授权发明专利

[1] 黄昊文,陈甚娜,刘芳,赵倩。基于局域表面等离子体性质检测多种金属离子方法及应用。中国,CN 103048295 B;
